Sunday, March 15, 2020

6 Steps to Acing Your Second Interview

6 Steps to Acing Your Second InterviewCongrats You must have done something right in your first bewerberinterview if theyve called you back for a second round. This means youre seriously in the running. Good news googletag.cmd.push(function() googletag.display(div-gpt-ad-1467144145037-0) ) But youre not there yet. Their motives for calling you back could be as varied as wanting you to speak with other members of the team, wanting to get a better sense of one aspect of your experience, wanting to assuage concerns one part of the hiring team might have about your candidacy, or just to get a better sense of who you are as an employee.Here are 6simple things to keep in mind if you want to ace your second interview.If it aint brokeWhatever prep you did last time, repeat it. Even if you think you remember the particulars. Give yourself a refresher course in the company, the committee, the position. Revisit the questions you prepped last time. Do you have answers that can expand on your fi rst ones? Ask yourself what else you might be asked. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Dont get caught out the second time for things you nailed the firstCome withquestionsYou already scoured your brain for good questions to ask and now youve got nothing. Keep digging Now is a good time to show off your knowledge of the field and the position by asking more nuanced questions about the team, the work, the office culture.New interviewer, new homeworkIf you can get the names of any new people youll be meeting with, thats your chance to bone up a bit on who they are and what they do. Not to mention what they might most be looking for, and how you can convince them you are it.Dress to impress (again)Hopefully you have more than one power outfit for interviews. If you dontyou might need to invest in one. Or at least a different shirt and some accessories to shake up your go-to garb. Assume you struck a good note last time and aim for that sweet spot yet again.Stay freshChances are, youll be aske d a lot of the same questions youve already answered. The worst thing you can do is complain. Instead of saying, I already answered that Answer it again. With more passion, more panache. More polish. Be pleasant and answer thoroughly, as though for the first time.Be easygoingYou cant control this conversation any more than you could control the first one. Go with the flow, relax, and your interviewers will appreciate your good attitude.Remember, a second interview is no guarantee that youll be hired. But you are one step closer and therefore should be one-step better prepared

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

People Who Have Perfected Their Elevator Pitch Do These 4 Things

People Who Have Perfected Their Elevator Pitch Do These 4 Things What do you do? Its one of the fruchtwein common questions we get in ur day to day lives, yet so few of us have a great answer that we could answer in the time it would take us to ride an elevator with someone. We lean on vague job titles and short responses. Or, we create a jumbled response that takes too long and leaves the listener bored and tuned out.Entrepreneurs and business owners know how to deliver a targeted elevator speech (perhaps mora commonly known as an elevator pitch) to customers, investors or venture capitalists for funding. But you dont have to be a small business owner (or need an actual elevatorspeech opportunity) to have a reason to have a perfect pitch in hand.When Should You Use an Elevator Pitch?While an elevator pitch is a tool for salepeople and public relations professionals pitching products and services, you can also use them in other situations. Maybe youre introducing your organization to potential clients or customers, maybe youre selling your grand idea to an authority figure in your company, or maybe youre just explaining to people what you do.In job interviews the saatkorn question for a job seeker takes a slightly different form with the ubiquitous opening question Can you tell me a little about yourself?Both of these questions give you an opportunity to create a good and memorable impression, but only if youre adequately prepared with a goodelevator pitch. There are a few steps that can help you in crafting a pitch that will open doors, but first a reminder of the simple criteria that make up a good elevator pitch 20-30 seconds longIts clearIts memorableReady? Grab a pen and paper and lets create an elevator pitch so youre always ready with an answer youre proud of.What Are the Four Steps to Perfecting Your Pitch?1. Start with a Basic RecipeYou want your elevator pitch to be adaptable to the person youre speaking with and the situation, so I like to start with a basic recipe and then build on from there. This helps to ensure that what youre saying is clear, concise, and gets across the most important information in a limited time span.The core of an elevator speechwill include I help(who do you help?)by doing(how do you help them?)so that(why is this important?).For example, I help brands maximize their digital marketing by using analytics around all key digital strategies such as SEO, AdWords, and social media, to optimize performance so they can reach their customers and increase their sales profitably.2. Make it MemorableWhat weve come up with in step 1 is clear, but maybe its leid the most memorable...yet. Anyone can throw buzzwords or acronyms around, but the key thing to remember is that in a great elevator pitch, no one is going to remember or care about a bullet point list of your accomplishments. Make it more personable, relatable, and most importantly, memorable by adding in a story or an anecdote, and a couple of compelling hi ghlights. Something is inherently memorable if it is unique, so be sure not to be generic about your strengths and capabilities. If you will be presenting numbers (such as your sales process for example), be sure to quickly contextualize what you do against the rest of the crowd. In other words, provide a unique selling proposition that speaks for itself. Instead of just saying you were able to increase sales by 200 percent year-over-year, explain that in contrast to the average performer on the sales kollektiv who typically grows their accounts by 25% year over year, you were among the top three performers in your cohort.Or, heres another exampleI didnt initially intend to get into this field but as I was working on a marketing launch, I noticed that a huge chunk of our budget was going to digital marketing but we didnt have a way to accurately understand how that affected our sales. I created tools for my team to use to track and optimize our campaign performance. After using them during the launch we saved approximately $50k, which helped boost our overall profitability significantly. Since then Ive taken my process and rolled it out to teams all over the company.3. Tailor it to Your AudienceSurprise An effective elevator pitch is not about you. Like any good marketing message, your elevator pitch is about the customer and how you can help them. If you have information about the person youre speaking to, use it to tailor your elevator pitch. In a job interview or when youre speaking with someone from a company youd really like to work for, you likely know some of the pain points they are experiencing that they need someone to step in and solve for them. Rather than leave your elevator pitch broad while trying to be everything to everyone, highlight a couple of your past experiences that demonstrate that youre exactly what theyre looking for.For example, if they have a really fragmented department and theyre looking for someone who will not just do the job b ut create a highly functioning team, you might sayIn focusing on our analytics I also had the opportunity to build an entire team from the ground up. I focused on bringing in the right combination of skillsets and helped create open communication from day 1, which really led to one of the most productive and functional team environments.4. Decide Whats NextIf youre looking for a new career opportunity (or perhaps youre speaking to a potential employer), youll want to finish your story with a glimpse of whats next. Spend at least a few seconds on what your goals are and what the next step is that youre looking for at this point in your career.If youre networking, for example, youd want to emphasize exactly what youre looking for by sayingIm now really focused on finding a future opportunity within a startup or fast-growing small company, that needs to improve their ROI in the digital space and create a strong team, but do so quickly and with a limited budget.Key PointsJust remember t hat you are trying to make an impression during a short period of time. A great elevator speech doesnt happen. Remember to think about the following two points1. Who is listening to your message?2. What will compel them to remember you while also serving the points about who you are and what you can do for them?Nobody is a natural at this so plan on practicing your pitch. You will have to do it several times before it may start feeling natural, especially if youre not someone who is naturally a self-promoter, extroverted or if youre simply not used to talking about yourself.Following these steps will help you craft an effective elevator speechthat will capture your audiences attention. Whether you have a moment when youre handing over your business card, or you have the opportunity to give a short summary of yourself during a conversation in an actual elevator ride, or youre a job seeker at an actual networking event, its a good idea to have a good pitch ready in hand for people to take in during a limited time span.Example Elevator PitchesYour elevator pitch might look different depending on what your end goal is (read finding a job or promoting yourself, business or service in some way). Here are three examples based on different scenarios.1. I recently graduated from college with a degree in communications. Ive had several internships with online magazines as an editor, and eventually, became the editor of my college newspaper. Im looking for a job that will put my skills as an editor to work.2. I run a travel agency thats adventure-oriented for students and young professionals looking to travel on a budget. We offer anyone ages 18 to 30 payment plans, stress-free booking and a team of experts to plan their vacation. If you know anyone looking to travel on a budget, feel free to connect them with me.3. My name is Andrea, and after years of working for other startups, Im taking the plunge and developing my own app. The app allows anyone to rent a car by the hour, without having to go through a rental company. They can pick the car up, unlock it and drop it back off all with the app.Fairygodboss is committed to improving the workplace and lives of women.Share us with women you respect

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Resume Paper Size That Only a Few People Know Exist

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Resume Paper Size That Only a Few People Know Exist Precisely what you include depends partly on your sort of work. You might need to continue to keep your resumes in a folder to make sure theyre neat and tidy. There are 3 basic kinds of resumes. While Canadian resumes are available in many distinct formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about. Finding Resume Paper Size Online Resume tips for felons are a massive assistance. Writing your resume can be a trying time in your life. New jobs can help ex felons to turn into a region of the society. Resumes are intended to rapidly present a persons qualifications and hintergrund to a particular array of job experiences or skills. In the united kingdom, the conventional A4 size is used. The winning format is to maintain the cover letter to a single page. Thus, its simple to convert your resume to PDF. PDF also have additional protection. Great cover letters for re sumes will provide the prospective employer a feeling of what things to expect if he or she does in reality call you in for an interview. Normal printing may be part of your everyday life if youre a student or employment in an office, but the majority of people print relatively rarely. Bear in mind, a great paper takes a good deal of time and consideration, and therefore do not rush to go finished. Other Considerations While its always important to create an internet presence as well as a paper resume, its necessary for every single job seeker to make certain they have their bases covered in presentation. Whispered Resume Paper Size Secrets Linen will offer your resume a professional look and provides a great texture. Plain paper is almost always a safe alternative. Paper with a laid finish was designed to emulate the manner paper looked when it was initially invented. Bigger quantities are usually needed for litho printing. Our collection of premium paper is perfect for cre ating important documents and making a terrific first impression. Choosing paper with a little tint in color can assist your cover letter stick out from the crowd.